Execute Magazine

The Secret To Being A More Productive Artist 

One of the most challenging things about being an artist is seeing your work by the right people.

With so many artists out there and the internet being what it is, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd and make a name for yourself. Especially if you do everything by yourself.

Artists are often the busiest people in the world. From creating new work to running a business, there's never enough time in the day.

Planning is an essential part of productivity for artists. It will help you stay focused and save time if you plan your week ahead of time.  

It also allows you to identify what tasks are most important and where you can save some time by delegating tasks to others.

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You can't be productive if you don't know what to do next, so it's necessary to take some time on Sunday night or Monday morning to think about what needs to be done this week and how much studio time each project will require.

Monitoring work and output, as well as time spent on tasks, is also essential for artists.

Tracking your hours is a way to see how much time you have been working and can help you monitor your progress.

Setting up a project management system or spreadsheet will help you with this tracking.