Execute Magazine

Why You Should Care About Managing Your Artistic Energy 

The creative process is a delicate balance of art and science. Artists are not machines. We have human needs that we must meet to do our best work.

We must know our energy levels and care for them to do good work. This is where artist management comes in.

Artist studio management is ensuring that you are living and working at your optimum capacity - ensuring you have enough time to rest, eat, exercise, and recharge your batteries so they can produce the best possible work while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

An art studio can be an inspiring space to work in but also a place for procrastination.

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Set a schedule, so you're always working on a project within your medium.

When working on art, set aside some time for your personal life. If possible, take a walk around the block or have lunch with friends to recharge before returning to work.

Establish boundaries with your studio time and personal-time activities.

The goal of creating a thriving creative practice is to balance your creative efforts with other parts of your life.

Take small steps towards your goals, as you will naturally find them more manageable when they are smaller in scope.