Execute Magazine

Is Making Art a Waste of Time? 

The world of art doesn't always seem welcoming. It can be hard making a living as an artist, and most struggle for recognition in the market.

And yet, is this enough to show that artistic creation itself is a waste? To say so would be naive. Making art brings a lot to the table - especially if you make it with love.

Some artists are able to make a living off of their art by turning it into the main focus of their career.

Even if they can't and choose to produce smaller amounts, they still feel accomplished by producing something passionate.

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Yes, but not as difficult as you might think. You just need a little bit of talent and determination. It can be challenging to keep going in the arts, but with patience and perseverance, anything is possible!

Are you considering a career in the arts? This is a good choice because it involves creativity and learning from your colleagues.

Choosing a different profession in arts could be a good idea if you want stability and predictability.

But artists are well-known for perseverance and dedication, which can make them better suited to life.