Execute Magazine

How to Make It as An Artist and a Business

Making it as an artist is no easy task. It doesn't mean that you're doomed to fail in life-every successful artist can attest to this fact. What do you need to do to be successful? Here's a researched guide on how to make it as an artist.

Be open to change and new inspiring ideas. The real measure of art is the ability to adapt to more than one place. Regardless, you still need to have a strong and clearly defined mindset.

1. Have a strong and clear mindset

You have already established your craft as a business. The next step is to understand the aspects of marketing. It is vital if you want to improve your small business. These are Product, Price, and Promotion. 

2. Understand the Principles of Marketing

One of the major ways artists are nowadays selling their art is on social media. Your best bet is to seek information on marketing-especially digital marketing-and perfect your strategy as a business.  

3. Embrace Digital Space and Online Marketing 

Currently, there are millions of artists worldwide, all battling for the same audience. You need to understand your competition and what sets you apart. Fill in a missing gap where your competition cant.

4. What's Your Competition? What is Your Competitive Advantage?

As much as they are your competition, they should also act as your reference points. A better artist is experienced enough to provide solid insight and input. Ideally, you form a network of individuals who are likely to refer a few clients your way. 

5. Embrace Better Artists 

Divide your time sufficiently, allowing periods of rest, time for perfecting your craft, and time for being a business owner. 

6. Schedule Your Time 

Some artists go through a long process to realize success. It would help if you were willing to be patient with your craft and simultaneously putting in the necessary effort to make the process easier.

7. Be Enthusiastic About Your Craft

Most struggling artists are generally inclined to copy other artists' crafts to sustain their livelihoods.  Make it a point to have strong work ethics as a business and an artist if you want to stand out. 

8. Have A Solid Work Ethics 

Once you embrace the changes, you can streamline your art business in the direction that encourages your growth as an artist and as a business.

9. Understand the Changing Art Process

If you intend to realize better returns, you have to set aside a dedicated budget for your marketing strategy. Oftentimes, if your marketing is brilliant and more clients buy your art, your return on investment will be higher than your marketing budget.

10. Dedicate A Budget to Marketing Your Business

Look out for people who want to see your craft improve. If possible, ask for constructive feedback from your clients, social media audience, and exhibition reviews. Whether it is an art tutor or a more experienced art, there are bound to be valuable lessons you can pick up from them. 

11. Be Open to Feedback and Mentorship

Generally, understanding yourself as an artist and a business sets you apart from every beginner artist struggling to make it as an artist without a clear plan.