Execute Magazine

Artist a Day:  Sol LeWitt 

Sol LeWitt  (1928-2007)

Sol LeWitt was a conceptual art practitioner and a minimalist artist. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential American artists of the late twentieth century.

Standing Open Structure Black

sculpture, Minimalism, 1964

Sol Works

Wall Drawing #522

installation , Op Art , 1987

Sol Works

Buried Cube Containing an Object of Importance but Little Value

photo, Conceptual Art, 1968

Sol Works

Sol LeWitt succeeded in his work by applying many different types of artistic principles, such as the use of lines, geometric solids, patterns, formulas, and permutations.

Serial Project (Set B)

sculpture, Minimalism, 1966

Sol Works

Irregular Grid

abstract, Post-Painterly Abstraction , 2001

Sol Works

A blind man can make art if what is in his mind can be passed to another mind in some tangible form.”  - Sol LeWitt 

Horizontal Lines of Color

abstract, Post-Painterly Abstraction , 2005

Sol Works

Buy Our Art Book "See You There"


LeWitt's work was largely based on the idea behind it. His paintings, sculptures, and other objects demanded a viewer's attention for what that art represented rather than for the painterly effects of his compositions. He is viewed as the greatest advocate of Minimalism and one of the most influential artists in 20th-century art.

Model for Brick Structure (four domes and a sphere)

Minimalism, 2003

Sol Works

Irregular Horizontal Bands of Equal Width Starting at Bottom

abstract, Post-Painterly Abstraction, 1991

Sol Works

The work of others influences all artists. Sol LeWitt is a perfect example. His initial exposure to contemporary art during his museum job in New York made him want to create geometric forms in space, and he experimented with using fabric tiles.

Wavy Lines with Black Border

abstract, 42.5 x 52.3 cm, 1997

Sol Works

Blue Vertical

gouache, paper, abstract, 2000

Sol Works