Artist Feature – Adela Janska
Adela Janska attended the Department of Art Education of the Faculty of Education, Palacky University Olomouc between 2000 and 2003. Then, she commenced at the preliminary studio of Klaudio Kosziba (2003–2004) at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, Contemporary painting (2004–2007) after that, and Free visual arts of Prof. Frantisek Hodonsky (2007–2009). She graduated in 2009 with diploma thesis called Waves. She has been teaching at Secondary school of design and fashion in Prostějov since 2011 and in charge of the Painting studio of Secondary school of Fashion and Design in Prostějov since 2013.
Adela Janska sees her art as a dialogue with the nearest environment in which the painting is an image of living structures of the world. Adela Jasnka’s paintings are distant to the self-purpose transcription of photographic experience; disrupting the integrity of image perception enables the viewer to see reality as a set of characters bearing meaning.
Solo exhibitions:
06/2018 Adéla Janská Galerie Krystal, Havířov
04/2018 Nic krom tebe Galerie Via art, Praha
03/2018 Pro tebe klid Galerie Důl Michal, Ostrava
01/2015 Adéla Janská – Fúze Galerie Caesar, Olomouc
Group exhibitions:
05/2019 Just kids The Chemistry gallery, Praha
04/2019 Druhá směna Městské muzeum Prostějov
04/2018 Dancing people are never wrong The Chemistry gallery, Praha
06/2017 Pole Galerie Důl Michal, Ostrava
03/2017 Příběh dne/s Galerie moderního umění v Hradci Králové
06/2016 Tvrdej chleba Muzeum a galerie v Prostějově
06/2016 Freudenthal show 4 – hana ve slezsku Galerie Freud&Thal, Bruntál
02/2016 Art Prague Kafkův dům, Praha
06/2013 Tři a jeden Městské muzeum, Rýmařov
09/2011 Tři Galerie radost, Havířov